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Angry Birds 2

Genre: Sling Shot | Engine: Unity | Company: Rovio | Year: 2023

My Role: As a Client Developer Trainee I've got a chance to dig into this complex project, bug fixing, implementing SDKs and developing small features. In the end, all the game play features have my fingerprints.

Key Learning:  My first time working on production code. In every cycle of code review I could learn ways to polish my code, making them more efficient and human readable. Also got familiarized with process to maintain a live game and release it to multiple platforms.      



Puppet Tears

Genre: Tower Defense | Engine: Unity | Type: School Project | Year: 2022

Description: A mobile game based on Metal Slug Defense. Loot Boxes, Currencies, Card Upgrades, Deck Builder are some of the features here.

Key Learning: Dependency Injections played a major role in this project. Player Inventory and currency have to work from Game Play to Shops and Deck Builders. Most of the group discussions tackle architecture, and we ended up designing our own solution. Please don't tell anyone, but we have two Singletons here.  

Screenshot 2022-03-24 134943.png



Genre: Action / Puzzle | Engine: Unity | Type: Personal Project | Year: 2022

Description: Astronauts are lost in the space and it is your job to rescue then. The gravity of the planets can be your great ally... or your doom.

Key Learning: Since I've done almost everything by myself, at some point I had to put the Game Designer shoes and I realize the prefabs and tools I've developed were not great to work with in the editor. Since then I always ask myself not just if the tools work, but if someone else can easily work with them. 

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